Monday, February 28, 2011

My new adventure

Starting a new month w/a new plan. I've decided that I wont be a frumpy mom. I want to be the mom in the grocery store that looks amazing and she's grocery shopping. Her hair is perfect she has on cute clothes. One of my 2011 goals ( I don't make resolutions) is to not be a frumpy mom.
1. new hair do (DONE)
2. going to get my nails done (DONE)
3. diet and loss all the baby(s) weight
4. exercise

Today I started on my weight watcher program.I had great success w/it before and I'm praying that I have it again. I want to look good this summer. I've spent the last 2 years PG and now its time for momma to feel cute again.
I can't wait!!!