Yesterday, while Brian was in the ER. A family down the way was saying their last goodbyes. Everyone says it could be worse and it honestly could have. I could have been saying good by to someone I loved right before Christmas.
The first year Brian and I started dating. We sat in that waiting room, waiting to hear if my grandpa was going to make it.
He pulled through that night and every night until he was ready to go home.. On his own terms.
With everything Brian and I have going on and how stressful our life is right now. I know this to shall pass. And in the end make Brian and I stronger. And God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I'm learning I can handle a lot, more than I ever thought.
We are truly blessed w/2 healthy active babies. Brian will go and see the specialist and see what needs to-do done to correct the hernia.