Aug 7th -
we got up and loaded up for our day trip to surfside beach. I wasn’t feeling all that well but I wanted to take Kayleigh to the beach. When we got to Lake Jackson we stopped into bucees. Kayleigh laughed every time she saw his face on something.
We got our bucee supplies and headed down to the beach.
Kayleigh got out of the car and RAN to the water. She didn’t have her bathing suit on yet. We got her into her suite and she and Brian were off to play in the water.
I got lunch all out and set up – Kayleigh didn’t want to come to shore and eat.
We finally got her to eat & drink something and we all went and played in the water. Normally, I don’t go into the water. But I wanted to be w/my family and show Kayleigh that the water was fun.
She is totally a beach baby!!
As we were heading home I told Brian “that we had our last trip as a family of 3 and Johnathon would be coming soon. And it would be funny if I had him tomorrow.” As we got closer to our house I started having contractions. Nothing time able or anything just annoying.
We got home and the contractions stopped and I went to bed w/no contractions.
Aug 8th,
Kayleigh woke up at midnight and Brian got up w/her. I woke up at 1am – Brian was putting her back in her bed. I went to the bathroom and I started having contractions again. I laid in bed for over an hour thinking they would stop. NOPE – they were getting close together. Brian kept asking if we should go to the hospital. I wanted to wait a bit more – he just got Kayleigh to bed. My water hadn’t broken and I was still able to breathe through the contractions. But then I started thinking he was breech & I tested positive to the strip B. So I decided that we needed to go just to get checked out. So Brian called my parents and we called the Dr. I didn’t pack a bag b/c I just thought they would stop them again and send me home. My parents got to my house and we headed to the hospital. That was the longest & most painful drive of my life. We get all checked in and get put into the triage room. Hooked up to all the monitors & my contractions were 2 mins apart. The nurse checked me and I was a good 3 Cm dilated. I was still thinking they would stop the contractions and send me on my way. NOPE – the next on call nurse walks in and says “you have 30 mins and were going to prep you for your c-section”. My heart sank and I started to cry. I was hoping w/all I had that Johnathon had flipped. But they did a quick u/s and he was still breech. From that point on it was like time went by so fast…… We had to call my parents again and see if they could bring us our camera. The nurses were telling us we didn’t have time to go home and get it. They started me on terbutaline to stop the contractions; I got 2 doses of it. The drug from hell --- gives you the shakes! I had to fill out a lot of paperwork while shaking like a 90 year old woman. My parents brought us our camera and they brought Kayleigh in so I could see her one last time before I went into surgery. They prepped me for surgery and my parents left so the nurses could get everything ready. When they left, my anxiety hit the roof!!! I started to cry and told the nurse that I wanted to run b/c they had already stopped the contractions I was OK now. She laughed a little and went on w/her paperwork. Brian told me that if his mom could do this 2 times then I could do it. That didn’t help I was still panicking. When they came in and gave Brian his paper outfit it all was going to fast for me.
The nurses came in and unhooked me from the monitors and wheeled me into the operating room. Brian had to wait until my spinal block was done and then came in the room. Those 5 mins seemed like forever. The NICU team was prepping and I could hear the nurse count the tools. I remember there were 40. I told myself REMEMBER that number! LOL!!!
They brought the blue sheet up and someone came in and through something on my legs. I could feel that & the Dr said it was normal as long as I couldn’t feel pinching or pain. WELL, I didn’t want to feel ANYTHING. Dr did a “test” to see if I could feel the pinching and I couldn’t. Spinal feels like your legs and feet are asleep. I hate that feeling!!!
From start to Johnathon coming out was 10mins at the most & from that point to finish was another 15mins.
I remember seeing Johnathon and kissing him for the first time. That made everything worth it!!! He was so small and just so cute!
The nausea and pulling was getting harder and the anesthesiologist just handed me a wand incase I got sick. He sucked!!! Who gives someone w/2 doses of terbutaline a wand to hold and try to make it into their mouth?
Finally, It was all over & my son had made and early arrival. He had some transitional breathing issues. After a while, he was sent to the NICU for monitoring. After a while my nurse took my whole bed into the NICU so I could see my little man.
He stayed 2 days in the NICU and finally the NICU Dr signed off so he could be in my room.
We were released 1 day early….. I hate being in the hospital and away from my little girl.
Thankfully, we have awesome parents. My parents took Kayleigh until we got home & my in laws took Kenzie (dog ).
We have such awesome friends that came to visit us in the hospital. Thank you to everyone that came out.